Nosce te Ipsum - RELIGON - The GAME of LIFE


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The different kind of explanation of the New Testament!

The key question is: “What has an ordinary person to do in explaining the Text of the Bible?” Before I give the answer, let’s start from the beginning.

During my first big work (1985) I was interested in only the behavior of a human being and the creativity and what give a person the feeling of satisfaction. With the second work, that continued straight the first work, I was interested in to answer the simple question: “Why I am not enough for myself?” At that point also the question of the Know Thyself came to the may question. And what happened then....

I dreamed in my sleep or should I say, that to me was shown a dream to teach me. In the first dream they told me from one point to the other, that this is correct and this is correct and so on. Then came the big one. The person asked me innocently, “have you noticed that your stories are exactly the same than the teachings of Jesus?”

The lightning couldn’t have stricken make me and made me more astonished. At that time I thought, that the religions that based to the Bible, were not from the Absolute, from the God, they were not Universal Religions, because their main teaching to get to the Final Goal was not “Know Thyself”. And to be an Universal Religion, that should be the Key to the Goal. And now they told me, that my ‘know thyself’ text were the same than the teachings of Jesus. How to go on?

I decided to read again those parts of the New Testament, where Jesus was teaching. In a way I wanted to prove, that the Bible religions were not Absolute Religions. I had never ever heard that the main teaching of those religions would be ‘Know Thyself’. So there cannot be those words in the Bible.

(Take a notice: The ‘you have been told’ theme got still more interested, when I was reading the books of Donald, Naele, Walschin Conversations with God, book 1, 2,. What the God was telling in those books came together fully with my Perceptions. If it is possible, I put my short version of the Walsch’s books to my pages.)

So I stated to read - Matthew, Mark, Luke - and my skin went to gooseflesh. I had a Divine feeling. Then came John and Paul and the feeling was long gone. This was only one example of the differences in my feelings when I was reading the Text. The other was still stranger and it is the main point in this section.

That how I Perceive the Text, was the strangest thing. I got in some parts of the New Testament quite strange interpretations. They came to me. In principle nothing was as I was told. You will see my interpretations, when those parts are ready. In the following part I will tell you, what I felt and why I think that an ordinary person can do things like this.

I was in a shock. I am not allowed to make those interpretations. Only those few, who are scholars, are allowed to do that. I got the relief, when I was reading the Gospel of Thomas, that has been excommunicated (ban) two times in the history (200 after Christ and 1100 after Christ):

Thomas 1. And he said, "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death."

My interpretation was: The chapter is the first one. If it has meaning, then it will tell, that it is the most important of them all. To me the part ‘... not taste death.’ means, that the person has reached the Final Goal of the religion. The person ‘Knows Absolutely Oneself’. The person has reached the love, that is in the Command of Love. The person has reached the Agabe. The person Loves like the God Loves. This person knows the Interpretation of the Words of God. And only this person does it.

This is how it is said in the Bible. See my interpretation on this page. And at the same time, you see, that our religion is Absolute, Universal, because it’s teachings key is ‘Know Thyself’. Luke 10:27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.

May be, that also you don’t think highly about Thomas. What you think about the following:

Luke 24:45 Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures.

To me the most important thing in the doings of Jesus, was to make the disciples really Believe, that He was the Son of the God. Nearly the whole story about Jesus is about this work and about how a person really Believes. Few chapter before this Luke 24:45 the disciples Believed Jesus and they were not afraid anymore. Until that they were always afraid. And now they enjoyed. The other main theme in the New Testament is to tell how you Really Believe. The last thing Jesus had to do was the death on the cross and to meet them after He had died. More about that a little bit later.

So, when the disciples Believed, they also at last Perceived right the Works of Jesus. Only then they interpreted the word right. You cannot do as the disciples did it, you can only Know Absolutely Yourself and then you can interpret the Words. In other way to say, if you are not there you don’t Perceive the Words. Meaning 99,99% of the people, including the priests, the bishops and the pope. This gave me comfort. I am allowed to interpret the Text.

A guide to the reader: You can read my text, it doesn’t hurt you, because you cannot believe my interpretations. When you are there you know it better. And this is one of the most important signs, that you have got it, you have reached the Goal and have found the LIFE in life.


Written 11/03/2006


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